
Defines a Processor that is able to take ImageProcessor.Input, run some image processing operations on it and render the final result to ImageProcessor.Output.


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sealed class Failure : RuntimeException

Defines known failure modes of an image processor.

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interface Input

Defines the image input source model that is available to be read from by the processor.

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interface Output

Defines the image output model that is available to write to by a ImageProcessor.


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Connects the provided input to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required. Normally, processing of the provided input starts instantly however certain processors may do it async so it is not guaranteed that any work will be done as soon as input is connected.

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Connects the provided output to this processor and returns a Closeable to release the connection when required. Similarly to connectInput, it is not guaranteed that the provided output will receive results as soon as it is connected, the processor may do it async.

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Takes in onCapabilitiesRequested that will be notified when image processing operations require additional data from connected Input. Right after observeRequiredCapabilities is called onCapabilitiesRequested consumer will be invoked on the caller thread with the current set of required capabilities. emptySet is used to represent that additional capabilities aren't required.


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