Implementation of LensesComponent which does nothing.
Closes all resources allocated for this LensesComponent. Overridden to indicate that calling close will not throw.
Provides control over the lenses audio. If this LensesComponent is closed then the returned Audio is expected to be no-op.
Provides a Carousel of lenses available to interact with during this component lifecycle. If this LensesComponent is closed or if this LensesComponent was not configured to enable carousel using LensesComponent.Builder.configureCarousel then the returned Carousel is expected to be no-op.
Provides a Preferences of lenses available to interact with during this component lifecycle. If this LensesComponent is closed then the returned Preferences is expected to be no-op.
Provides a Prefetcher of lenses available to interact with during this component lifecycle. If this LensesComponent is closed then the returned Prefetcher is expected to be no-op.
Provides lenses specific Processor which allows to process image and audio input with applied lenses while rendering results to connected outputs. If this LensesComponent is closed then the returned Processor is expected to be no-op.
Provides a Repository of lenses available to interact with during this component lifecycle. If this LensesComponent is closed then the returned Repository is expected to be no-op.