Exposes configuration options available to lenses carousel feature.
Allows placing of views relative to the carousel based on a given LayoutPlacement. When a ViewStub has been attached to the carousel, the Consumer will provide that available ViewStub to inflate the views into.
Allows to configure each lenses carousel item by receiving ItemOptions in the provided Consumer.
By default, carousel reacts to interactions of processor and displays any applied lens as selected, while this option enables carousel to start in the idle state where no lens is yet applied and selected.
By default, carousel reacts to interactions of processor and displays any applied lens as selected, while this option enables carousel to start in an activated state - idle or with a lens selected if disableIdle is true.
Sets the carousel close button bottom margin to the value of provided dimension resource. This parameter has no effect if closeButtonEnabled value is false. This parameter has no effect if custom view is set.
Enables deactivation of lenses carousel by clicking on close button when closeButtonEnabled is true. False by default, meaning that a click on the close button resets lenses carousel to idle, no lens selected state.
True if carousel feature should be enabled. Typically, it is True when observedGroupIds is not empty, False otherwise.
Sets the carousel height to the value of provided dimension resource. This parameter has no effect if custom view is set.
Sets the carousel bottom margin to the value of provided dimension resource. This parameter has no effect if custom view is set.
Uses the provided observedGroupIds to present lenses in carousel. If observedGroupIds is empty (default) then the carousel feature is considered to be disabled, any interaction with Carousel is no-op.
Allows to asynchronously provide lens group IDs to present lenses in carousel. By default, the observedGroupIdsProvider is backed by a Callable which returns the observedGroupIds set as is, however, if custom observedGroupIdsProvider is supplied, then its results are merged with the observedGroupIds to a final set of lens groups that appear in the carousel. Any Exception thrown in the provided observedGroupIdsProvider is suppressed resulting in only the observedGroupIds used as the final set of group IDs that appear in the carousel.
Sets the carousel bottom padding to the value of provided dimension resource. This parameter has no effect if custom view is set.
Sets the carousel top padding to the value of provided dimension resource. This parameter has no effect if custom view is set.
Custom implementation of Carousel.View to be used as a delegate to show and hide lenses carousel. By default, the internal carousel view implementation is used.